Time Crisis Wiki
Time Crisis Wiki
Crisis Zone Gatling gun icon

Crisis Zone weapon icon

Time Crisis II Hand Vulcan render

Hand Vulcan model

Victor Zahn firing GAU-22 A

Victor Zahn firing GAU-22/A

The Gatling Gun is a weapon featured in Crisis Zone's PlayStation 2 Special Mode. Due to its weight, it is not used by V.S.S.E. agents. Instead, a version of the weapon known as the Hand Vulcan (ハンドバルカン Hando Barukan?)[1] is used by Buff Bryant in Time Crisis II and an aircraft version is used by Victor Zahn in Time Crisis 3.

Overview of usage by Non-V.S.S.E. protagonists[]

As the S.T.F. force assaults the Grassmarket Street, Claude McGarren procured a Gatling gun inside a building corridor and used the weapon to great effect against the U.R.D.A. terrorist group. He later discards the weapon after clearing the kitchen.


The Gatling gun is a faster firing version of the standard machine gun.


  • Starting ammunition: same as magazine size
  • Magazine capacity: 60
  • Rate of fire (rounds per second): ~45
  • Special attributes: infinite magazines, available in certain sections


  • Unlimited magazines
  • Very high rate of fire
  • Fully-automatic, fires as long as the trigger is pulled


  • Only available on mentioned section, then discarded afterwards
  • Produces a "smoke screen" instead of a brief, white flash when firing, obscuring vision
  • Must be reloaded after 60 rounds
  • High ammunition consumption. Hence, it must be reloaded after 1.33 seconds of continuous fire as opposed to 2.5 seconds for the machine gun


Each character/faction used varying models of the Gatling gun throughout the series:



Hand Vulcan Details[]

Parameter Amount
Overall length 1,350 mm
Mass: 8.55 kg
Barrel length 775 mm
Caliber 20 mm (with 6-barreled)


  • Unlike the other extra weapons in Crisis Zone, the Gatling gun is only used in one ACTION sequence as opposed to two for the other weapons.

See Also[]

  • Flame Thrower - Another extra weapon available in Crisis Zone's Special Mode
  • Missile launcher - Another extra weapon available in Crisis Zone's Special Mode
  • Laser Rifle - Another extra weapon available in Crisis Zone's Special Mode
  • Grenade Launcher - Another extra weapon available in Crisis Zone's Special Mode


Main Series
Time Crisis  · Time Crisis: Project Titan  · Time Crisis II  · Time Crisis 3  · Time Crisis 4  · Time Crisis 5
Crisis Zone  · Razing Storm
Mobile games
Time Crisis Strike  · Time Crisis Elite  · Time Crisis 2nd Strike
Non-TC games
Cobra The Arcade
Alan Dunaway  · Alicia Winston  · Claude McGarren  · Evan Bernard  · Giorgio Bruno  · Keith Martin  · Luke O'Neil  · Marc Godart  · Richard Miller  · Robert Baxter  · Wesley Lambert  · William Rush
Supporting Characters
Casey  · Catherine Ricci  · Christy Ryan  · Commander Kessler  · Daniel Winston  · David Maxwell  · Elizabeth Conway  · Larry Garfield  · Marisa Soleil  · Melissa Kessler  · Rachel MacPherson  · Sarah Martin  · VSSE Trainees  · Xavier Serrano
Buff Bryant  · Derrick Lynch  · Edge  · Ernesto Diaz  · Frank Mathers  · Giorgio Zott  · Gregory Barrows  · Jack Mathers  · Jacob Kinisky  · Jake Hernandez  · Jared Hunter  · Kantaris  · Marcus Black  · Moz  · Paulo Guerra  · Randy Garrett  · Ricardo Blanco  · Robert Baxter  · Sherudo Garo  · Terrorist Leader  · Tiger  · Victor Zahn  · Web Spinner  · Wild Dog  · Wild Fang  · Zeus Bertrand
Input Devices
GunCon  · GunCon 2  · GunCon 3
Time Crisis 3D Sound Ensemble  · Time Crisis Arcade Soundtrack  · Time Crisis II Arcade Soundtrack
Time Crisis  · Time Crisis: Project Titan  · Time Crisis II  · Crisis Zone  · Time Crisis 3  · Cobra The Arcade  · Time Crisis 4  · Razing Storm  · Deadstorm Pirates  · Time Crisis 5
Time Crisis
Hamlin Battalion  · Kantaris Organization  · Lukano Liberation Army  · National Guard  · Neodyne Industries  · SCAR  · STF  · URDA  · VSSE  · Wild Dog Organization  · WOLF  · Zagorias Federation Army
Air Force Base  · Almada Penitentiary  · Astigos Island  · California  · Caruba  · Chateau de Luc  · Garland Square  · Girasol Factory  · Lixeira  · Lukano  · Mona Darta  · Sercian Republic  · Wyoming
Civilian Militia  · Clawmen  · Drugged Soldier  · Elite Soldier  · Frogman  · Renegade Soldier
Deimos and Phobos  · HACS  · Helicopter  · Kraken  · Melee Weapon  · Piston Pod  · Quadruped Armored Vehicle  · Raptor  · Scorpion Boss  · Seekers  · Terror Bites  · XA-60-Ex
Player-usable weapons
Automatic Cannon  · Balero Cannon  · Flame Thrower  · Gatling Gun  · Grenade Launcher  · Handgun  · Heavy Machine Gun  · Laser Rifle  · Machine Gun  · Melee Weapon  · Mounted Machine Gun  · Rocket Launcher  · Shotgun  · Skewer  · Sniper Rifle  · VSSE agents Special Handgun
Helicopter  · XSWAC-12