Time Crisis Wiki
Time Crisis Wiki
Lixeira as seen on the game intro

Lixeira is the setting of Stage 3 of Razing Storm's Story Mode.


Lixeira consists of a landfill and short buildings resembling those in Mona Darta. There is a river along the landfill where mines are planted and a crashed S.C.A.R. helicopter is located at a open field after players pass through a road where trucks and armored vehicles have stopped.


After S.C.A.R. Delta and Assault teams are ordered to rendezvous with Bravo team despite Casey's objections over the use of the satellite laser cannon to target Paulo Guerra, they head to Lixeria to meet Bravo team along its leader Hunt.

At Lixeira, Hunt briefs Casey that the enemy attacks are concentrated from the north and Bravo's first line of defense does not look strong. Hence, Casey along with Delta and Assault teams assist Bravo team to fend off the first enemy wave which comprises of Renegade Soldiers, H.A.C.S. and two Raptors. After the first enemy wave is defeated, the S.C.A.R. operatives head to the pathfinder. While along the way, another wave of enemies attack (which is the same as the previous wave with the addition of a Piston Pod and Seekers. Prior to that, they had to cross a river due to a bridge being destroyed and encountered mines planted there) which causes Casey to join Assault 2 to hold the defense line while the remaining Assault teams and Delta 1 join Hunt and Bravo team to guard the pathfinder. Despite fierce enemy attacks which caused the pathfinder to take direct enemy fire before Delta 1 arrived at its location, the various S.C.A.R. teams successfully protected the pathfinder and repulsed the second enemy wave along with the second defense line secured.

After the second defense line is successfully set up, Casey and Hunt get a break from all the fighting. During the break, it is revealed that Casey is a widower who wants to join his wife in the afterlife. Soon after, a third wave of enemy assault arrives. Casey and Hunt counterattack but while the outcome is not known (presumed to be successful with Bravo team escaping and meeting up with Alpha team), Casey is found by Alpha team after Bravo team is defeated by the enemy (with the satellite laser cannon been fired prior to that event). Alpha team's leader, King, tells Casey that Delta and Assault teams have been ordered to retreat while his team handles in rescuing Hunt. After hearing that Hunt has been taken hostage in Girasol Factory. Casey joins Alpha team and all of them leave Lixeria to storm the factory.


  • Lixeira means dustin or trash in Portuguese. Coincidentally, Lixeria refers to several locations in Brazil.



Main Series
Time Crisis  · Time Crisis: Project Titan  · Time Crisis II  · Time Crisis 3  · Time Crisis 4  · Time Crisis 5
Crisis Zone  · Razing Storm
Mobile games
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Non-TC games
Cobra The Arcade
Alan Dunaway  · Alicia Winston  · Claude McGarren  · Evan Bernard  · Giorgio Bruno  · Keith Martin  · Luke O'Neil  · Marc Godart  · Richard Miller  · Robert Baxter  · Wesley Lambert  · William Rush
Supporting Characters
Casey  · Catherine Ricci  · Christy Ryan  · Commander Kessler  · Daniel Winston  · David Maxwell  · Elizabeth Conway  · Larry Garfield  · Marisa Soleil  · Melissa Kessler  · Rachel MacPherson  · Sarah Martin  · VSSE Trainees  · Xavier Serrano
Buff Bryant  · Derrick Lynch  · Edge  · Ernesto Diaz  · Frank Mathers  · Giorgio Zott  · Gregory Barrows  · Jack Mathers  · Jacob Kinisky  · Jake Hernandez  · Jared Hunter  · Kantaris  · Marcus Black  · Moz  · Paulo Guerra  · Randy Garrett  · Ricardo Blanco  · Robert Baxter  · Sherudo Garo  · Terrorist Leader  · Tiger  · Victor Zahn  · Web Spinner  · Wild Dog  · Wild Fang  · Zeus Bertrand
Input Devices
GunCon  · GunCon 2  · GunCon 3
Time Crisis 3D Sound Ensemble  · Time Crisis Arcade Soundtrack  · Time Crisis II Arcade Soundtrack
Time Crisis  · Time Crisis: Project Titan  · Time Crisis II  · Crisis Zone  · Time Crisis 3  · Cobra The Arcade  · Time Crisis 4  · Razing Storm  · Deadstorm Pirates  · Time Crisis 5
Time Crisis
Hamlin Battalion  · Kantaris Organization  · Lukano Liberation Army  · National Guard  · Neodyne Industries  · SCAR  · STF  · URDA  · VSSE  · Wild Dog Organization  · WOLF  · Zagorias Federation Army
Air Force Base  · Almada Penitentiary  · Astigos Island  · California  · Caruba  · Chateau de Luc  · Garland Square  · Girasol Factory  · Lixeira  · Lukano  · Mona Darta  · Sercian Republic  · Wyoming
Civilian Militia  · Clawmen  · Drugged Soldier  · Elite Soldier  · Frogman  · Renegade Soldier
Deimos and Phobos  · HACS  · Helicopter  · Kraken  · Melee Weapon  · Piston Pod  · Quadruped Armored Vehicle  · Raptor  · Scorpion Boss  · Seekers  · Terror Bites  · XA-60-Ex
Player-usable weapons
Automatic Cannon  · Balero Cannon  · Flame Thrower  · Gatling Gun  · Grenade Launcher  · Handgun  · Heavy Machine Gun  · Laser Rifle  · Machine Gun  · Melee Weapon  · Mounted Machine Gun  · Rocket Launcher  · Shotgun  · Skewer  · Sniper Rifle  · VSSE agents Special Handgun
Helicopter  · XSWAC-12